Thursday, July 30, 2015

“Job Responds to Eliphaz – Part 1” - Job 6-7

By Pastor Rich Paradis

Job has suffered at the hand of Satan by the permission of God. Job has lamented that suffering. Eliphaz has offered what he considered to be “help”. We now move to the first of Job’s many responses to his friends. His three friends sat with Job and were silent for a week, but now they are beginning to answer the lamenting words of Job in chapters 4-27. They have “advice” and Job will have reactions to that “advice”. Let’s see what Job has to say to his friend Eliphaz who basically said that the suffering that Job is going through is a result of his own sin.


I.                   Job Confronts His Friend’s Response To His Suffering    Job 6:1-30

a.       With the conclusion of Eliphaz’ first volley of advice to the suffering Job, we begin this section with “Then Job answered…” This is the first of the passages along the way that will precede the words of Job toward his friends and God. We will see this same beginning in 9:1, 12:1, 16:1, 19:1, 21:1, 23:1, and 26:1.

b.      Job begins his remarks in Verses 1-7 by saying that he only wishes that his words of complaint and struggle were equal with what he is going through. If that were the situation, than Job would be suffering a lot less than he is! Instead, he offers that what he is saying is no match for what he is going through. If it were, his words and his grief would be as heavy as the sands of the sea. He says that all of this is the arrows of God against him and the poison of these arrows is breaking his soul and spirit. He also mentions by way of questions that would have a “no” answer that somehow his situation and his words are being caused by the heaviness of his life. In light of this, Job refuses to “eat” or digest the words that Eliphaz has laid on him. They don’t taste good at all and are not words that would nourish him.

c.       Job continues in Verses 8-13 with his continuing thought that perhaps death would be a relief to what is going on presently. Somehow, Job would be better off in his mind if his now purposeless and meaningless life were somehow ended. Of course, let’s be reminded that again Job is not considering suicide. He just can’t understand the reason or purpose for his current situation. What he is able to take heart in is the fact that he has been up to this point been able to rejoice in this incredible pain and that he has not denied the words of God throughout this affliction thus far. But he also mentions that his strength is fading and that his inner strength is waning in the wake of this disaster that has befallen him.

d.      Job will now take on a courageous undertaking in Verses 14-23. Remember that his friends have been sitting with him and remaining silent up to this point except for the first response of Eliphaz. While he has not yet heard from his other friends, he must feel like they are in agreement with Eliphaz in that he will offer his comments to them all. What does he say to these friends?

                                                              i.      A despairing man should receive kindness from his friends – Job is fully aware that he is in bad shape. He is being unjustly allowed to go through a set of circumstances that would break someone else. Since that is the case, Job says that his friends should have come alongside him in a more understanding way instead of the judgmental way that Eliphaz has done it. The reason that Job give for this friendly support is so that a man will not lose his faith in God above. Somehow, these friends are representing God on the ground level to Job and their non-support has only reinforced the fact that God is the One that is laying all of this on him.

                                                            ii.      You have been unreliable and disappointing – from that initial thought, Job continues by comparing his friends to a stream, creek, or wadi that flows in the winter when no water is needed and stops flowing and dries up during the times of great heat and need during the difficult trying times of summer. He says that he is not asking for a bribe to God or deliverance from Him or the friends. He is only looking for some understanding and empathetic response to this unjust treatment that he is currently suffering under.

e.       Job concludes his remarks in Verses 23-30 with an appeal to his friends. This appeal is to show him or demonstrate to him where he is wrong in his analysis of the situation. He shares with them that his words, although painful to hear, are accurate and undeniable. But they have treated his words and his reactions like “wind”, unseen and of no substance. He accuses them of being unfeeling and even says that they would cast lots for and barter over the despair of the orphan and the friend. But he concludes with an appeal to them to look into his face and call him out if he’s lying. He says that they can call him on any inaccuracies in information or discernment in the words of their suffering friend. But he doesn’t believe he’s wrong! He is suffering unjustly! His friend Eliphaz has not discerned accurately the situation that Job suffers under and that lack of compassion and discernment is both shocking and disappointing to Job.


II.                Job Confronts God’s Role In All Of This    Job 7:1-21

a.       With the start of chapter 7, Job will now speak to Eliphaz but be considering God’s economy in all that is before him. In Verses 1-10 we see a picture of the life that man is given here on earth. That life is full of labor and hard work. It is the life of a military man, a slave or an employee who works for nothing but his paycheck. That life is a life of vanity, a life of meaninglessness and emptiness. There are no dreams in this life beyond the nightmares that awaken the man and remind him that it is not time to get up yet. So he tosses and turns until it is finally time to arise. But it is a life that also reminds a man of the shortness of his days in regard to acquiring or realizing hope. Job’s condition is noted in that he is covered with worms, scabs, dirt and oozing sores. While his days are short on dreams and hopes, they are also quickly disappearing like the clouds of the sky. Soon they will be gone and forgotten. Job’s life and the life of the suffering are like this.

b.      So in light of this tragic scenario, Job says in Verses 11-21 that he will not be quiet. He will continue to complain in that all of his complaining is nothing compared to his pain. He will continue to bring out the bitterness of his soul at being a man that is under such unjust attack. Job asks why God would see him as someone who gets the attention that he seems to be receiving. Is he some kind of chaotic sea or even a sea monster that demands the eyes of God to watch over him? He is tormented whether in bed or awake. He feels like death would be a better alternative to the life that he now leads. He wishes that God would just leave him alone! Remember that we say things in despair that we will live to regret; but not now! Job is wondering why every detail of his life must be under the watchful eye of God. Not unlike Job 6:4, Job is wondering why he is a target of God Himself. Is it sin? He doesn’t believe so. Has Job done something to offend God? He doesn’t think so.  If so, why doesn’t God just forgive Job? Then everything could be better, right? But for now, Job will lie down like a dead man and he will not react to the call of God…

III.             An Application For All Of Us

a.       Be reminded that when you minister to those that are hurting, you will hear them say things that will both be illogical and theologically incorrect. Try to hear past those words to the heart of the hurting person.

b.      Be reminded that Job was not convinced of the advice of Eliphaz. While it was pretty uncompassionate and even wrongly timed, Job could have used the opportunity to consider whether there were any “nuggets of truth” in his words.

c.       Be reminded that even though God sometimes allows testing and while doing so may seem far away and even uncaring to our unknowing minds and hearts, He is in fact watching, growing and maturing us our good and His glory.


A Proper Setting - The WorkPlace

by Charles Ligon

Diamonds are meant to be beautiful. When set properly, they can be especially stunning and very attractive to the eye. However, in an inappropriate setting (e.g. in a drawer, pocket or locked away in a box), the beauty, attraction and magnificence may go unnoticed or worse, be lost altogether.    

The same can be said of spiritual gifts!  You see, God has graciously granted spiritual gifts to every believer. When used in the proper setting or situation, these gifts are quite beautiful.  The Bible says that, in His grace, God has given us different spiritual gifts for doing certain things well. If prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And, if you have the gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly (Romans 12:6-8 NLT). So…what is the proper setting for using our spiritual gifts? The answer: from an abundance of agape love!  You see, our spiritual gifts must be administered or applied with selfless, sacrificial and charitable love toward others. Apart from this setting, our gifts will lack the brilliance, magnificence and beauty of our Lord. First Corinthians 13 (known as the Love Chapter) speaks very concisely about this…we can exercise great spiritual gifts and achieve marvelous things, but if we are not motivated by love, we are nothing! Thus, as workplace believers, we are called to use our gifts to serve others out of a genuine, authentic, selfless love. We serve others because Christ served us. We love others because Christ loved us. We forgive others because Christ forgave us. This is agape love…the highest form of love.

How has God gifted you? Are you using your gifts in your workplace in such a way as to reflect His beauty, magnificence and glory? Are your actions motivated from the context of agape love? Or, is your gift locked away, tucked safely in your “drawer of life”? If so, remove it and apply it in a setting of agape love that others will see God through you and experience firsthand His love and His mercy.

Your workplace challenge is to first identify your spiritual gift(s). If necessary, take a spiritual gifts inventory through your local church. Next, consider how you might use your gift more often in your specific place of work (encourage more, serve more, give more, etc.). With agape love, let God’s beauty and brilliance shine forth through you so that others will be drawn to Him. Make today count for His Glory. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

John Hus

     There was a priest and theology leader named John Hus that in 1414, was called to a Council of the Catholic Church in Switzerland for trial, called a heretic and found guilty.  He was sentenced to be burned at the stake July 6, 1415, 600 years ago. 

He had been a rector of the Chapel of Innocents of Bethlehem in Prague and had tried to change and reform the Catholic Church in the previous years before his execution through his preaching, teaching and writing. He challenged the corruption of the church and called for priests and pastors to live as spiritual role models for their flocks. He aggressively rejected the sale of indulgences and opposed other ways in which the institutional church sold spiritual goods, along with wanting the church to use the Holy Scriptures to lead and guide the authority of doctrine and practice.  He preached that doctrine alone was not enough for salvation.  In trying to quiet John Hus, several years later the Moravian church started on the principles and doctrine that John Hus had preached.  He gave his life so the gospel could prevail.  He is an example that the truth cannot be destroyed by violence.