Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Delight In His Presence

by Charles Ligon

Delight in His Presence

“I experience absolute joy in your presence; you always give me sheer delight” (Ps. 16:11)
Gracie, our blue tick beagle, follows me everywhere. I go up the stairs…she follows. I go out the door…she follows. When she isn’t following, she’ll sit, stare and rarely take her eyes off me. When I leave in the morning she watches me back out the driveway until I’m out of sight. At times, I get a little annoyed by her constant surveillance…but, my wife tells me that she “worships and adores” me and delights being in my presence. One thing I know for sure, she’s always aware when I’m around and wants to be part of what I am doing.
Gracie’s actions cause me to reflect on my own personal devotion to God. It leads me to consider how often I take the time to be aware of and/or seek His presence in my daily life.  Do I genuinely desire to be part of what he is doing around me each and every day? The psalmist says that there is great joy and delight in His presence.  Further, trusting believers who live in fellowship with Him will find help and guidance (Psalm 44:3) and will receive confidence from His nearness and availability (Psalm 73:28). What’s more, His presence transcends the boundaries of life; “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever”. (Psalm 16:11, NLT)
Let me ask you a few questions. Are you conscience of God’s presence where you work and have you invited Him to be part of your daily activity? Is the quality of your work such that it is an offering of worship unto Him? Does the reality of His presence bring you pleasure, joy and delight? Do you seek His wisdom and guidance when completing tasks, making decisions and relating to others and is He your help in times of trouble? (Psalm 46:1)
Your workplace challenge is to acknowledge God’s presence more often and to involve Him in your daily work. Worship through your work and occasionally ask Him what He thinks about what you are working on. Then, trust the Holy Spirit to help. He will not be annoyed. He wants to be near you and He wants you to delight in His presence. Make today count…for His Glory.    


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