Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Reminder about Work

Charles Ligon
Many workplace believers still view their work as drudgery, a necessary evil, and only a place to earn a paycheck. They see it as mundane with very little significance relative to their spiritual lives. But is that true? Does work have any eternal significance and shouldn’t we consider what the Bible says about work? After all, people spend one-third of their lives at work. I have written on this subject in the past and I believe it warrants an occasional re-visit. Why? If we are not careful, our perspective about work and how God intends for us to view it can get twisted. So, what does the Bible say?
From the very beginning work was part of God’s creative plan – He did not create man to be idle but to work to support himself and his family. We know that God worked to create the world and He placed Adam in the garden to work also. The Lord God took man and put him in the garden to work it and to keep it (Genesis 2:15). So, from the beginning work was a good and positive part of daily activity even before fall. The Bible also says that not working is not an option. In Thessalonians 3:10-12, Paul writes “if anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their own work quietly and to earn their own living”. The Bible commends hard work and condemns laziness. Christians are called to work hard regardless of what their work might be.
So then, what’s our motivation? Can we work enthusiastically if we are doing something we don’t enjoy or is seemingly a pointless task? Paul says to remember who you work for. “Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive an inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”  (Colossian 3:23-24). Even in menial jobs we dislike – it is Christ we are serving. We are called to work hard at everything because our reward is in Heaven, not on Earth. So, your Workplace challenge is to keep a right perspective about your work and to remember who you ultimately serve. Whatever your work, do it for Him and for His Glory.

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