My dear friend cared enough to speak words of
truth…words I needed to hear! He said, “Charles, I love you brother so please
receive my words of correction”. Then he proceeded to point out something I
had done that reflected poorly on me and the company I work for. Even worse, it
was damaging to my Christian witness. My initial thought was to defend myself
but I could not. He was right! I had had a lapse in judgment and needed
correction. On that particular day, my friend spoke the truth-in-love to me. He
held me accountable and it made me a better Christian.
How about you? Do you have a Christian friend
who is willing to speak the truth to you when it is necessary? Do you have
someone near you at work that will bring correction, when needed?
Proverbs 27:17
says “Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens
his friend's countenance.” Galatians 6:1-2 says
“Brothers, if anyone
is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a
spirit of gentleness…Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of
have found that accountability is crucially important for believers at work. We
are continually tempted on every side and we need someone who will be there to
encourage us, to rebuke us, to teach us, to rejoice with us, to weep with us and
to sharpen us. Our effective Christian witness is dependent upon it and the word
of God demands it.
Don’t delay! Ask a Christian co-worker to be
your accountability partner and be willing to speak the truth to you, when
necessary? Also, grant this person permission to ask hard questions such as, how’s your witness or how’s your
prayer life or how’s your attitude? This simple but intentional
proposal will protect your Christian witness, enrich your Christian walk and
result in a more effective workplace ministry. Ultimately, the Bible reminds us
in Romans 14:12 that “everyone will give an account of himself to God”.
Why not begin now!
Make today Count…and do it For His
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