Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sunday School Lesson for Romans 12:9-13

“Spirit-Led Living Towards The Brethren”
                                                By Pastor Rich Paradis
                                                      Romans 12:9-13

 I.                   Some Introductory Thoughts

a.       As we move forward in this chapter, we are struck by the present section’s resemblance to another chapter of the Word of God. The chapter in mind is 1 Corinthians 13, the great “love chapter”.

b.      In that chapter, we can see some of the very same thoughts and challenges that we see in Romans 12. If you remember, the 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians is set in the midst of a discussion of spiritual gifts, their source and the right attitude is their usage. While that chapter is so often used in wedding ceremonies, it is without question a discussion of the setting (as in the setting for a diamond ring) for your spiritual gift or gifts.

c.       As we look at this section today, look for some of the same attributes and discussion as spiritual gifts are discussed in the beautiful setting called “love”.


II.                Love for the brethren    Romans 12:9-13

a.       Look over the verses before us. Do you notice the words “one another” in Vs. 10 twice and “saints” in Vs. 13? These are a couple of the key “tips” to understanding this portion of the chapter as being applied to other believers. As the chapter continues further, love will be discussed as it relates to believers and unbelievers, friends and enemies.

b.      We begin in Verse 9 with a charge to authentic love. This love (agape) is a love that is driven by our faith in Christ and is best demonstrated in God’s sacrificial love for us. The love of the believer for another is to be without hypocrisy, according to the verse before us. We should look at a couple of words here:

                                                              i.      Let – To allow, cause or make.

                                                            ii.      Hypocrisy – To wear a mask. Two-faced. Not authentic or real. Insincere.

c.       So the call here is to make sure that as believers our love is sincere and authentic, like the love that God has for His children. How is this demonstrated? The verse gives us a couple of clues:

                                                              i.      Abhor what is evil – To love evil while professing to desire God’s way is hypocritical and two-faced.

                                                            ii.      Cling to what is good – To love what is good is to desire the same things as God does.

d.      As we move forward to Verse 10, we are again charged with something. This time it is devotion to the brethren. This type of “loving affection” will look different than the way that the world operates. I am reminded of John 13:34-35 and its call to love one another as a demonstration of a life of discipleship.

e.       The verse continues with the idea of giving preference to one another in honor. Philippians 2:3 is another verse that challenges us in this regard. What is the idea of giving preference? How could this be shown to another believer?

                                                              i.      The placing of one in a position above yourself.

                                                            ii.      Offering deference to another before yourself.

                                                          iii.      I think of a good marriage when I think of this idea of honor. We often in our marriages try to see that our needs are met, when the challenge and the blessing of good marriages is that the one spouse tries to out-do the other spouse in honor and deed. When this happens, both needs are met, but in a way that looks like the sacrificial giving of our Savior instead of in a way that appears and ultimately is selfish.

f.       As the instruction continues in Verses 11-13, we are given the “how” of this challenge. We are to offer love and devotion to the brethren in 8 ways:

                                                              i.      Diligently – The idea here is that of earnestness and striving to promote something. How could we be more diligent in our love and devotion to one another?

                                                            ii.      Fervent in spirit – Fervent is a zeal for what is good. It would be impossible to accomplish this love and devotion without the indwelling Holy Spirit. Should we depend on the Spirit or skill in our love and devotion to the brethren? How?

                                                          iii.      Serving the Lord – Our love and devotion towards the brethren has its root in love for Jesus.

                                                          iv.      Rejoicing in hope – The certainty of God’s promises should foster great rejoicing in the heart of the believer. Can this hope be shared with others? How?

                                                            v.      Persevering in tribulation – Difficulty is implied in the life of the believer (James 1:2) How can we communicate love and devotion for others as we go through and ultimately triumph over life’s tough spots?

                                                          vi.      Devoted to prayer – Prayer is a means to including God in all that is going on around you. How can your prayers be used in demonstrating love and devotion towards the brethren?

                                                        vii.      Contributing to the needs of the saints – Our recognition and response to need communicates so much. How?

                                                      viii.      Practicing hospitality – How can our pursuit in loving strangers demonstrate the love of God to the brethren?


III.             An Application For All Of Us

a.       A life presented to God as a living sacrifice, with all of its gifts and talents, is less than it can be if love and devotion for the brethren is not displayed on a regular basis. How could you grow in this area of Christian living? What one step will you take in that direction?

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