Loving Gracie
Charles Ligon
It had been five years since we’d owned a dog and, honestly, I was enjoying the break. But, as recent empty-nesters, my wife and I both knew that she needed something to nurture. So we set out to find a dog…and we did. When we arrived at the shelter I was attracted to a small, spry and playful chow mix. She jumped onto my lap with joyful assurance…she seemed to own the world. It was easy…I would pick her.
My wife’s eyes were immediately drawn to a medium sized blue-tick beagle mix. She had very sweet and alluring eyes but was frail in appearance and displayed a shy, sheepish and dejected temperament. At my first glance, this dog was not very appealing. But, for my wife, she was the one! It was obvious that this dog desperately needed someone to love her and to care for her. We took her home and named her Gracie because she reminded us of the grace that God had shown us…and, the grace He has called us to show others…especially the unlovable.
There are “Gracies” all around us in the workplace who need someone to love them…to care for them…to pick them as a friend…to include them. But, too often, we avoid them. Why is it that we avoid the hard to love and gravitate to people who are attractive, charismatic, or who we find appealing in some way?
Jesus taught us two very important truths. First, everyone is created in God's image (Genesis 1:27) and because God created us, everyone is worthy of love. Second, because of sin, we're all really unlovable. But, Christ offered us love, grace and forgiveness (Romans 5:8) and if God can love us, surely we can love the unlovable around us. Jesus said in Matthew 5:46, “If you love only those who love you what reward is there for that?”
Workplace Challenge: Identify the “Gracie” in your workplace that is hard to love. Ask God to change your heart and mind toward them so that you can extend the same love, grace and mercy that God extended toward us. Be intentional today and show then compassion, kindness and love to the glory of the Lord.
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