You are Special!
Charles Ligon
Just a few days after the school year had begun, the teacher deposited a very small pre-Kindergarten student in the corner chair of my office. She said, “Mr. Ligon, you’ve got to do something. Dillon is hitting, he’s biting and he’s totally out of control”. Frustrated and exhausted, she turned and walked out. I found myself thinking, “What do I do now?” For several minutes, I just let him sit in that chair…his little feet not even close to touching the floor. I waited long enough to instill a little fear in him before I knelt down and looked into his wide-open and fearful eyes.
In a stern but caring voice, I said “Dillon, do you know what you are?” His tiny voice replied “No sir”. It was obvious that he was fully expecting me to declare that he was a very bad boy. I could only respond, “Dillon, you are special, so special! Do you know how much I love you?” With a look of surprise, he quietly said “No sir”. I opened my arms wide and said “I love you this much”. Then I asked, “Dillon, do you know how much God loves you?” Again, I hear this gentle “No sir”. I said, “This room cannot contain how much God loves you. In fact, God created you and He made you very special”.
As best I could at a pre-K level, I told him about Psalm 139:12-13 and John 3:16. As he listened intently to every word, something changed in Dillon. I think perhaps for the first time, he saw himself differently…he saw himself as God’s little creation, as someone special.
Sometimes we forget that we are special too. There are those in our workplaces who, through words and actions, would make us feel less than special. But, the Bible reminds us that we are God’s special people, created in His image (Gen. 1:27). He formed our inward parts, wove us together in our mother’s womb and tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:12-13). What’s more, we are so special that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us (John 3:16). And…He gave us the right to become children of God (John 1:12); He loves us intimately! So, the next time you feel less than special remember who you are…remember whose you are.
But, don’t stop there. There are “Dillons” all around you in your workplace. Take the time to tell them why they are special. It may be exactly what they need to hear today!
A final word about Dillon…I would often see him in the hallway and ask, “Dillon, what are you?” With his exuberance, he would respond with a loud and emphatic “SPECIAL”. Indeed he is and so are you!
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