Saturday, July 20, 2013

Don’t drink the poison

by Charles Ligon
I listened intently as a friend shared about his loss of employment. According to him, he had done nothing wrong. It was all because of his “incompetent” boss. The friend complained to HR but got no response. Still, he was determined to pursue his grievance…even to the point of litigation, if necessary. And, he would not rest until his boss got the “blame” he deserved. You see, my friend was not reacting to an issue of dishonesty or illegality on the part of his boss; rather, he was basically blaming this man for his release. He was consumed with anger and had become bitter-to-the-bone. At that moment, my friend didn’t need revenge…he needed to forgive and to move on.
I once heard that “unforgiveness is the poison we drink hoping others will die” (Author Unknown).  Think about that…it is a very sad but true statement! Those who have hurt us do move on, but as long as we refuse to forgive, our hurt continues. A lack of forgiveness leads to bitterness, which becomes a source of bondage in our lives. This can lead to depression and send us in a downward spiral. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the hurtful actions or events were okay–it simply means you have refused to drink the poison and have chosen to recover and move on.
Let me ask you, who have you not forgiven?
As Christians, we must live by the following principal: As Christ has been to me so I will be to others. Christ extended grace when we didn’t deserve it. Likewise, we need to extend grace and forgiveness to others even though they might not deserve it. In the Model Prayer, Jesus taught his disciples to pray, And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sinned against us” (Matthew 6:12). Jesus hung on a cross suffering for things He didn’t do. Still, He said “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Workplace Challenge: Decide now to forgive anyone towards whom you harbor bitterness. Decide now to stop clinging to the anger and resentment that keeps you in “victim mode” and renders you powerless. Stop letting those who have hurt you continue to do so. Let it go! Release the negative emotions that control your thoughts, feelings and actions. Don’t drink the poison. Instead, drink the antidote…the Grace of Jesus Christ!

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