Thursday, July 11, 2013

You are in His thoughts

by Charles Ligon
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers”. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have uttered those words, but I must confess…there have been times when I failed to keep that promise. Though I have always been well intentioned, there are far too many instances when I failed to follow through on my promise or to even think about that person or circumstance again. I have forgotten so many times that God brings conviction upon me whenever I make that promise. “Be sure you do it” says the Holy Spirit. I praise God that the person or circumstantial outcome is not dependent on my promise.
Where I fail God doesn’t! I take comfort in the fact that in spite my forgetfulness, God doesn’t forget. The Bible says that His thoughts towards us are more in number than the sand on the seashore or the stars in the sky…more than we could ever number. In Psalm 139:17-18, the Psalmist writes, how precious are Your thoughts to me, O God!  How great is the sum of them!  If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand. David writes, your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted…they are more than can be numbered (Psalm 40:5).
Wow! God continually intercedes (Romans 8:26) for us and thinks of us. That’s right, our heavenly Father, who created us and who numbered all our days, is thinking about us all the time…even right now! His thoughts of us are “precious thoughts” and are of love and adoration. They include thoughts of peace (good) and not evil, and thoughts to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).
Workplace Challenge: If you are like me and occasionally forget to keep your promise to think of or pray for others, rest in the fact that God is already doing it. But, He still wants us to keep our promises. So, consider establishing some reminders. Utilize sticky notes or create a daily alarm on your outlook calendar or smart phone. It will help. Make today count for His Glory!

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