by Charles Ligon,
I often call her a “heap of no count” and tell her she’s a “no good for nothing” hound dog. Honestly, I don’t really mean it…these are all terms of endearment for Gracie, my rescue dog and a blue-tick beagle. They are also verbal reminders to her (even though she doesn’t understand) that, absent grace, what she deserves is to be chained outside to a half-barrel filled with wheat straw waiting for her next meal or hunt. Instead, she has it made-in-the-shade. Gracie lives within the comforts of our home, goes to the SPA bi-weekly and is given unlimited dog-treats. No doubt, she’s a blessed dog. Because we love her so much we show her grace; thus her name Gracie.
Gracie’s life is a reminder of what I deserve, yet, just how blessed I am! What I deserve is not what I received. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. That’s right, I deserve death but God rescued me and has given me eternal life. He died for me while I was still a sinner (Romans 5:8). Jesus, who knew no sin became my sin so that I could literally become His righteousness (II Cor. 5:21). By His grace, through faith, He saved me not according to anything I have done otherwise I would boast about it (Ephesians 2:8-9). Because my God is rich in mercy and because of His great love (Eph. 2:4) He gave me the free gift of grace. What love! I’ve never gotten over it so I must share it.
You ask, what does all this have to do with workplace ministry? I’m glad you asked. Believers that have been transformed by this good news and saturated by His amazing grace must share His grace in their sphere of influence. We share it openly through how we serve and love others, through extravagant generosity and joy-filled lives. We share it by having hearts of gratitude and through testimony of what God has done for us. We share it by being the radiance of Christ to everyone we encounter. And, we share the gospel verbally as God opens up opportunities. As His ambassadors, God makes His appeal through us imploring others to be reconciled unto Himself (2 Cor. 5:20).
Our workplace challenge is to extend to others what God has extended to us. The grace He shared with each of us must be shared with others. Whether we work in a classroom, a cubical, a corner office or at a construction site, our lives represents the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, don’t delay? Start sharing the wonderful news of His grace and make today count for His Glory.
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