Thursday, February 12, 2015


Do any of you remember when I passed a picture around that our grandson, Avery, had colored at school.  He has some delays and challenges in his life, but he knows to love people with the love of Jesus.  One of our Sunday School members, Charles Ligon, who is a corporate chaplain wrote the following devotion  regarding Avery's picture and comments below.  It went out to thousands of employees in the workplace across the United States.  Thank you Charles for letting Avery's light for Jesus shine.   


Make a Grinch Smile
by Charles Ligon

The sweetest gift I received over Christmas came from Avery, a very precious special needs child. The nine year old was asked, “How do you make a Grinch smile?” Avery responded succinctly and confidently saying “You show him the love of God”. Oh, out of the mouth of babes! His response brought a tear to my eye and caused me to stop and to consider what my reply might have been. It caused me to think of those whom I may shun, ignore or otherwise avoid at work. You know, the grinches, those folks who steal joy, spread negativity and darken the room.  What a reminder:  Avery’s God loves them and so should I.

As we enter 2015, consider those who might be a little “Grinch-ish” in our workplace. They are the ones who rarely smile or have a depressing nature that affects everyone around them. We are to show them God’s love. I John 4:11 says, dear friends, since God loved us so much, we surely ought to love each other (NLT). His love is grounded in His nature and we are called to emulate His character in both word and deed towards everyone. I Corinthians 13:4-7 is a guide for how to love others.  Love is patient, kind, unselfish and it does not demand its own way. Our love should not be defined by feelings but by loving acts. God is the source of our love and we are called to reflect His love in this world that others might know His love in the same way we do.

We can’t love perfectly like He did but we can follow His example and learn His ways. The Bible says He died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous (I Peter 3:18). We were made alive through Christ and we are free to love sacrificially as He has loved us. So…what are we waiting for? Show the love of God to co-workers, especially to those who might be bitter, angry or negative? We love others because He first loved us (I John 4:19).

Our 2015 workplace challenge is to consider Avery’s words. We know what will make a “Grinch” smile. Decide now to show the love of God with intentionality to everyone, especially to those whom we may have ignored or avoided in the past. Perhaps they will be set free by His love and for His Glory.  

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